Meghan Markle reprimanded the English media on Saturday over reports that letters traded with Lord Charles had an influence behind her choice not to go to his royal celebration, her most recent showdown with the press.


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Following her most recent altercation with UK media, Meghan Markle receives a tit-for-tat response.
He believes that Kate and Prince William have abandoned Meghan Markle and Prince Harry due to the fact that the gap between the couples does not appear to be closing.

Mr. Nanan Sen added, King Charles is understood to be the only senior member of the Royal Family speaking with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. This was said before he concluded.

Did Meghan toss some tea at somebody?

Bower writes about the Sussexes’ visit to Sydney, Australia, where they were greeted with a warm welcome Meghan allegedly threw a cup of tea in the air. It is said that Meghan was rude to her four female employees and even to the British diplomats in the area.
