Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Trent Lehrkamp viral autistic georgia teen video on twitter and reddit

 |Trent Lehrkamp viral Autistic Georgia Teen video.|

 Georgia teenagerwasput on a ventilator last week after being forced to drink dangerous amounts of alcohol, fed magic mushrooms and beenpaintedwithspraypaint during a violent bullying incident.

The victim, 19, remains in an intensive care unit in stable condition after he was tormented at a spring break house party in affluent Saint Simon’s Island in coastal Georgia on Tuesday night.

Facebook Community Account.

Glynn County released a clip of the victim sitting in a plastic chair with her head bowed as someone sprayedher with a hose, but police later said the footage was from a previous incident involving the same teenager.

Several other bystanders can be seen in that clip, including one teen who mugs for the camera while celebrating the humiliation.

Police are investigating if a separate photo circulating on social media was taken from last week’s incident, which left the teen on a ventilator.

The photo shows him sitting unconscious in a chair and covered in spray paint while several men stand behind him tossing birds.”These handsome young men tied an unconscious and numb boy to a chair, painted him from head to toe, pissed himoff,fuckedhim on his knees and the list goes on,”reads Facebook.

The Glynn Count police Department Report.

They did not confirm details of the alleged attack but said a group of childrenleft the teenager unconscious at a local hospital early Wednesday and left before police arrived.

Officers sawno signs of physical harmto the person, but did note the presence of spray paint,” the agency said in a statement .

“He was treated for high-level poisoning with a mixture of controlled substances and alcohol.”

Police are continuing to investigate the incident and have gathered evidence from the home where the party took place. The victim’s GoFund Me account claimed it was for hours been “tortured”.

The agony he endured is sure to be a long recovery…both emotionally and psychologically,”.

“He is stable but is still in intensive care recovering and battling a lung infection fighting an aspiration.”

The victim recovered to speak to police detectives. Several posters on Facebook complained that the teenagers involved in the accident- current and former students at Glynn Academy in Braun schweig-had not been charged with a criminal offence.

 several names of the alleged perpetrators of Tuesday’ crash have circulated on social media, police have not identified any suspects in the case or commented on whether they will press charges.

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